Movement Therapy

To relieve stress and cultivate clarity in life, one can typically think of yoga or meditation. But there is something more, that can help children and adults to express and release stress, in the form of dance/movement therapy.

Introducing Movement therapy to kids will enhance their cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of learning, and teach children how to understand and negotiate their place in this world. Dance/movement therapy plays an important role in a child’s growth and supports the developmental advancement of the children in school. The movement therapy incorporated into academics develops body awareness, enhances emotional control, improves social interaction, and strengthens all aspects of learning.

Schools that incorporated movement therapy into their curriculums with the help of JOOPOP have noticed when children move and dance, they are motivated to become better learners in all aspects of learning. Children experience a more positive relationship with the learning process when movement therapy is part of the curriculum. The students are able to express emotions using the body as they learn to physically interact with their surroundings and their peers, allowing them to be more self-confident.

Movement Therapy challenges the children in an organized, supportive, and enjoyable environment, allowing children to develop body control, nonverbal communication, and social enthusiasm skills needed for school. The addition of movement therapy enhances academics by strengthening children’s cognitive learning, supporting their total developmental skills, and preparing them for the transition to higher grades.

At JOOPOP movement therapy activities are tailored to meet the children’s developmental needs. Observation and assessment are made to devise developmental activities for the children in preparation for school that focus on their sense of self, impulse control, interpersonal boundaries, social skills, and adjustment/transitional coping. Our Movement therapy sessions also address a social component as children connect and engage with others in the group. Through their kinaesthetic experience, the children learn there are other ways to move, relate with each other, and accept their differences.

The inclusion of movement therapy enhanced academics by strengthening the children’s cognitive learning while supporting their total developmental skills. Body awareness activities promoted a sense of self-control. Social, emotional, and physical skills were fostered when moving and connecting with their classmates. During the movement therapy sessions, the children focused on sequencing, following instructions, and maintaining emotional and motor skill awareness as well as coordination and regulation. Movement therapy in young children also helps release restless energy and encourages creativity and imagination.

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