Are you a person who finds it difficult to maintain a workout/fitness routine?
Smartly tone your body – Get on the dance floor!

Are you a person who is looking to start a fitness routine and be consistent? The answer is Dance. It is an ideal workout choice that you can do in the comfort of your home. The upbeat music makes our bodies groove and energetic moves.

Dance is considered a full-body workout because it engages your entire body and mind. Look for your favorite music genre to groove to get fit.  Dance and great music are a perfect combo and an instant mood booster.

Pros of Dancing
Dancing as exercise has many health benefits but it is better for your physical health and boosts your mind, emotional and social well-being. Dancing is a complete health package. Every part of your body gets fit in one go!

Improves flexibility
Stretching relieves stress in the body and mind. Dancing involves you using all body parts to move, which improves flexibility.

Improves Cardiovascular Health
Dancing elevates the breathing and heart rate (improves blood circulation) which helps maintain and when dancing becomes a routine (at moderate intensity), you can lower the risk of heart disease.

Improves Cognitive Performance
Dancing helps improve your thinking processes such as planning, and organizing, and increases memory power.

Stress Buster or Mood Buster
It helps improve mental and emotional health by decreasing the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress and boosting your self-esteem.

There are different forms of dance style pick your style and groove to get fit. An easy exercise that doesn’t need prior knowledge or experience. Dancing from the comfort of your home is added advantage and lets you spend time at your own pace.

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